The Need For Serious Reform Within the Meat Industry!
The U.S Meat Industries are multiple multi billion dollar industries that are ever growing, but lack seriously needed regulations. According to Sentient Media, just in the U.S alone about three billion animals are killed everyday for food purposes. This idea of a local farmer gently raising his cattle along open acres of land, then ending its life humanly is what every meat producer wants Americans to think. In actuality, these animals are being caged up with thousands of other animals in horrible, unsanitary conditions being beaten and mistreated everyday. Also when it does come time to end their lives for food production, they are beaten, have their throats slit or even a needle to the brain to" finish the job". As Americans, we have become so desensitized from where and what is being done to produce the food we eat. There is a major monopoly in play within the meat industry which is being controlled by the same three to four major companies. These companies have created food production to mimic factory type places. Machinery now plays a big part into making food production so quick into today's society, disguising what is really ending up on our plates. Did you know that when a mother cow gives birth, her child is instantly taken away from her? The milk industry which is closely related to the meat industry, continually impregnates cows so that they will continue producing milk like all pregnant mammals do, including humans. They continually do this; emotionally and physically scarring these mother cows who build such a close bond with their children just to lose them within hours of giving birth. Every animal based item we consume everyday is coming from unknown animals with heartbreaking and devastating ends to their lives. If we take a look at the Native American culture, they were very in tuned with the gravity of taking one life to prolong another. They respected the animals greatly and never took them for granted because they knew the animals were sacrificing their lives so that the Natives could live. It is essential that our society today, takes a page from the Native's book and understands what a sacrifice these animals go through just so we can continue to thrive. Serious reform and change is needed in this industry because if we can't show basic empathy or decency to these creatures than our society is forever doomed.
Thanks to Sentient Media for the statistics and information of the secrecy of food production.
Thanks to Sentient Media for the statistics and information of the secrecy of food production.
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