Why Thomas Worthington Needs Longer Lunch Periods!- A Letter to the Editor

Have you ever had to eat so fast that you felt physically sick after wards? Well I have, especially when school is in session. At my school, Thomas Worthington High school we get 25 minutes for lunch everyday which is nearly not enough time to consume a quality lunch. The atmosphere surrounding lunch is a time to catch up with your friends, fuel up and prepare for the rest of your day, but with only 25 minutes by the time you have caught up with your friends or eaten your lunch, there is no time to refresh before your next class. It has been proven that students who are given longer lunch breaks are more refreshed and ready for the rest of their day because they are able to consume all of their lunch. 25 minutes is not nearly enough time when you take into consideration, waiting in line if you are buying your lunch, when the average lunch period has about 425 students in each of them. Also you can only pack snack like items that are individual bagged because waiting to heat up your foo...